Crocheted Blankets : Granny Square

I like crocheting granny squares but you have a lot of ends to weave in. It takes a lot of time to finish the product. I made a couple blankets by attaching all my squares together and a couple blankets that are a single large square. Both are fun in their own way.

Here’s a couple photos of some recent work:

3 square blankets

blanket angle

blanket close up

blanket couch

crochet quilt

You can create several different looks by deciding how many colors of yarn to use. I am currently working on a large granny square blanket done with one color of yarn.

It’s a good way to use up some leftover yarn around the house too.

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Stay crafty. Peace.

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    what is it about crocheted blankets that makes our hearts lift??? yours are stunning 🙂

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